School Uniform
All children are expected to wear the school uniform listed below:
- White polo shirt – available from most supermarkets and department stores.
- Royal Blue Sweatshirt/Cardigan with the school logo available to order through your child's ParentPay account.
- Sweatshirt /Cardigan
- Black or grey Shalwar Kameez
- Headscarves can be worn in black, white or royal blue
- Black/Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore
- Black sensible shoes. (Not training shoes)
- Book Bag – available to order through your child's ParentPay account.
P.E kit
All children from Reception to Year 6 are expected to wear the following P.E kit.
- Plain white T-Shirt
- Black leggings or jogging bottoms or black shorts
- Trainers
- Headscarves need to be fitted if worn
Please click below to see our School Uniform Policy