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School Priorities

At St. Mark’s CE Primary School, we have developed plans to address the following priorities for the 2024/2025 academic year.

Quality of Education

  1. Ensure effective assessment and feedback is consistent across all classes/subjects.
  2. Ensure effective teaching and assessment in basic skills in reading, phonics, writing and arithmetic.
  3. Embed the ‘small steps’ approach in maths to ensure that the curriculum is delivered in a sequential way and allows pupils time to embed their knowledge.  
  4. Ensure that all staff have the required skills and knowledge to deliver foundation subjects effectively.  

Personal Development

  1. Improve the extra-curricular offer and pupils’ engagement in it.
  2. Roll out the Peacemakers project across the whole school.  
  3. Raise greater awareness of British values

Behaviour & Attitudes  

      1. Children are held to account for maintaining high standards of behaviour

      2. Update policies, procedures and rewards to further improve attendance and punctuality.   


  1. Further improve continuous provision so that it allows children to consolidate their learning and make good progress. 
  2. Ensure that high quality interactions are taking place between adults and pupils across EYFS 
  3. Implement effective assessment strategies across EYFS.
  4. Develop the use of the outdoors to support and enhance learning. 
  5. Improve transition from Nursery to Reception.

Leadership & Management

  1. Further improve governors’ skills and involvement in evaluating the school’s effectiveness. 
  2. Parental and community engagement.
  3. Improve communication with the school community.
  4. Improve staff awareness of how school support their well-being and how they can support their own mental health.
  5. Develop, and begin to implement, a sustainability action plan.
  6. Develop leadership at all levels.


Christian Distinctiveness

The following are the school’s key Christian Distinctiveness priorities for the 2024-2025 academic year:

  1. Increase pupils’ understanding of global inequality and justice.
  2. Embed effective RE assessment which enables staff to identify next steps in learning and address gaps. 
  3. Further develop pupils’ understanding of what spirituality means in school life.
  4. Strengthen church-school links.