Academic Year 2024/25
Winter Animals
Over the last two weeks, we have enjoyed learning all about the season of winter.
We have created winter pictures and completed two science experiments.
Science experiment number 1 - How do animals keep warm in the snow and ice? We learned that animals, like polar bears, have a layer of fat under their fur and this stops them from feeling the cold.
First, we felt how cold the ice cubes were and then we put our hand inside a double layered bag, which included a layer of fat. The layer of fat protected our hands from the cold ice. There are more photos in the photo albums.
More Rocket Experiments
While learning about rockets, we found an experiment that demonstrated how a rocket takes off using a force called thrust.
For our experiment, Mrs Nicholls put a string around 2 chairs and threaded a straw onto it. Then she stuck a balloon on and blew it up.
When she let go, the air came out of the balloon and pushed the balloon in the opposite direction - just like a rocket!
Marshmallow Igloos
We had fun making igloos using marshmallows!
It was quite tricky to balance them, but everyone persevered and tried their best. There are more photos to see in the photo album.
How do we stop the snowman from melting?
Science experiment number 2 - how can we stop the snowman from melting?
We wanted to find out how we could stop the snowmen (frozen water bottles) from melting using different materials. One bottle was wrapped in foil, the other was wrapped in cotton wool and the final bottle was left unwrapped.
We made predictions, thinking about which material would help to stop the ice from melting. Then, we left the bottles in the classroom and then tested the results after lunch.
We found that the water bottle which was wrapped in cotton wool stopped the snowman from melting the best. More photos are in the photo album.
Art week was fascinating!
During the week, we learnt how to mix colours using powder paint.
We were all excited to find out what new colours were made, when two primary colours were mixed together.
Everyone followed the step by step instructions really carefully and by the end of the week, we were able to use the skills taught to paint pictures of animals using the correct colours. There are more photos in our photo album.
Fun at the Library
During the Autumn term, the children in Reception enjoyed a visit to Hanley Library. Chris, the librarian met us and welcomed us into the new library space. During our visit, we were able to listen to Chris read some stories and then we were able to explore the children’s library – some of us found the reading holes which were lots of fun to sit in. We found books that interested us and sat with the adults in the space and they shared the stories with us.
It was a great visit and only a few minutes from our classroom. We would definitely like to visit again soon! There are more photos in our photo album.
Fun in the snow
We had lots of fun in the snowy weather. Have a look at the photo album for more pictures.
Who ate all the porridge?
To start off our learning, we tasted daddy, mummy and baby bear’s porridge and decided which we liked the best. Daddy bear’s salty porridge was not a hit!
Mrs Burton then explained that, by the end of the week we will be designing and making our own porridge, therefore today we will be tasting the different toppings that will be available.
We found out that chocolate was the most popular topping!
We had a great day, following our design plans and making our own porridge! It was delicious!
See the photo album for more pictures.
Jack & the Beanstalk
During this half term, we read the story of Jack and the beanstalk.
We enjoyed making our own beanstalks using playdough, threading pasta, hole punching card in order to thread on pipe cleaners and leaves and cutting paper into spirals, using our fine motor skills.
In maths, we created repeated patterns using different types of beans.
The children also painted some wonderful pictures of Jack! See the photo album for more photos.
Big Red Bus
We had a lovely time exploring the books on the ‘Big Red Bus’.
It was lovely to hear a story read, surrounded by all the wonderful books. More photos are in our photo album.
Anti-bullying and rockstars day!
Today we thought about how we could be a good friend, how we could show kindness to each other and no matter our differences, we will treat each other with respect.
We had a lovely day making friendship bracelets, sharing toys, sorting kindness scenarios and creating our own Elmer the elephant pictures. See the photo album for more photos!
Sunshine's trip to the Library
We had a wonderful visit to the library this week. The librarian explained all about how the library works and how you can borrow 20 books for three weeks, and then swap them for 20 more! He then shared two exciting stories, and we had the opportunity to curl up with our own chosen books afterwards. The children behaved beautifully and enjoyed exploring all the books. There are more photos in the photo album.
We’ve had a great week of learning in school this week.
It all started with an invitation being delivered to the class, inviting us to a surprise birthday party. Following this, we read our story of the week, ‘Kipper’s birthday.’
We then had a task on our hands to prepare for Kipper’s surprise birthday party throughout the week.
Each one of us contributed to the party, making hats, bunting and we all decorated cupcakes. We even learnt about how people celebrate their birthdays around the world.
Finally, Friday arrived,we had the best surprise party for Kipper. We danced, played games and ate cake. What more could you ask for! More photos in the Reception photo album.
World Mental Health Day
Today we have learnt all about our feelings during 'World Mental Health Day.'
After reading the story, 'Colour Monster,' we thought about how we were feeling today and created our own monsters using play dough, paper plates and cardboard tubes.
Wearing yellow definitely made our classroom an even brighter place!
Take a look at the photos in the photo album to see what we've been up to
Body Parts
We have had great fun this week, learning about out skeletons and what the different parts of the body do.
By the end of the week, we were able to label the different parts of the body and describe their functions. Please take a look at the photo album for more photos.
Our families & where we live
We have been learning all about our families and where we live. There are more photos to explore in the photo album.
Settling in
The Sunshine children have settled in beautifully into life at St. Mark's. We have started to make new friends and try out all of the exciting activities that are on offer. Take a look at the photos in the photo album to see what we have been upto.