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School Priorities

At St. Mark’s CE Primary School, we have developed plans to address the following priorities for the 2024/2025 academic year.


Quality of Education

  1. Ensure effective assessment and feedback is consistent across all classes/subjects.
  2. Ensure effective teaching and assessment in basic skills in reading, phonics, writing and arithmetic.
  3. Embed the ‘small steps’ approach in maths to ensure that the curriculum is delivered in a sequential way and allows pupils time to embed their knowledge.  
  4. Ensure that all staff have the required skills and knowledge to deliver foundation subjects effectively.  


Personal Development

  1. Improve the extra-curricular offer and pupils’ engagement in it.
  2. Roll out the Peacemakers project across the whole school.  
  3. Raise greater awareness of British values


The following are the school’s key Christian Distinctiveness priorities for the 2023-2024 academic year:

Priority 1
To enhance pupils’ understanding of the ‘Spiritual Pathways’ to develop a greater understanding of how they can connect with God.

  • Pupils will further develop an understanding of each spiritual pathway.
  • Pupils can articulate how the spiritual pathways relate to them personally or others in the community or the wider world.

Priority 2
To continue to develop and build on existing relationships with St Mark’s Church to support Christian Distinctiveness in school and within the local community.

  • Pupils get a broad and varied experience of linking with the Church community.
  • School can contribute to the development of the Church community.
  • Children gain more knowledge and understanding of the Church as a place of worship.
  • Pupils develop their understanding of how Christians worship in Church.

Priority 3
To further cultivate courageous advocacy to empower pupils to make a positive difference for themselves, others and the world around them.

  • Empower the pupils to make changes for themselves, others and the world around them.
  • Build confidence and collaboration in making a difference to others.

Priority 4
To continue to expand pupils’ knowledge, understanding and experiences of different places of worship and people of faith or non-religious belief, through regular visits and visitors linking to the curriculum.

  • Pupils get the opportunity to experience visits to a range of different places of worship.
  • Enhance pupils knowledge and understanding of different faiths, places of worship or non-religious beliefs.
  • Pupils have the opportunity to speak to and meet people of no faith with non-religious beliefs.

Priority 5
To further develop the RE curriculum in the EYFS setting ensuring a clear progression in learning from Nursery to Reception.

  • Learning is recapped and built upon from Nursery to Reception.
  • Pupils who join in Reception get the opportunity to catch up on previous learning taught at Nursery.

Please come and talk to us if you have any questions and ideas. Thank you for your continued support.