Please see below any vacancies we currently have:
Year 4 Class Teacher - Maternity Cover
About the School
St Mark’s Primary School is part of the Orchard Community Trust. The Trust enhances the opportunities for support, CPD and career progression for the successful applicant.
This post is for a class teacher. Applications from ECT’s are welcomed.
The school can offer:-
- A fantastic teaching and learning environment
- An effective and supportive leadership team
- Enthusiastic children who are eager to learn
- An excellent community culture, working in partnership to promote successful outcomes for all pupils across the Trust.
Job Purpose
The children at St Mark’s want excellent staff who will:-
- Have high expectations for themselves and all pupils
- Be creative in supporting exciting learning opportunities
- Be enthusiastic, motivational, hardworking and able to work effectively with colleagues both in our school and across the multi-academy trust.
- Have an understanding of the national curriculum and of assessment strategies and how these are used effectively to support pupil’ next steps on their learning journey.
- A passion for working with parents to improve children’s outcomes.
Key Duties/Responsibilities
- Plan and teach in relation to the school’s curriculum which is based around the National Curriculum and Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education
- Provide clear structures for lessons and for sequences of lessons, which maintain pace, motivation and challenge, and be responsible for the day to day organisation of the class.
- Ensure effective teaching of whole class, groups and individuals, establishing high expectations of behaviour and attainment, so that teaching objectives are met.
- Monitor and intervene when teaching to ensure sound learning and discipline and maintain a safe environment in which pupils feel confident. To adhere to the school behaviour policy.
- To use a variety of teaching and learning styles that fully meet the needs of each pupil whilst keep all pupils engaged
- Be familiar with the Code of Practice and identification, assessment and support of pupils with special educational needs.
- To plan, monitor and evaluate the work of teaching support staff.
- To prepare class timetables, medium term and weekly plans and pupil passports for pupils in the class, which take account of the pupil’s Education Health Care Plans.
- Evaluate own teaching critically to improve effectiveness and to be a learner.
Grade: M1-M5
Salary: £31,650 to £40,439
Subject/Key Stage: Year 4
Hours of Work: Full Time – Fixed Term 32.5 hrs per week
Closing Date: Thursday 13th Feb 2025
Date & time of visits to the school: Friday 7th February 2025. Please call for an appointment
Application forms and information packs can be obtained by emailing at
Completed application forms should be emailed to
or alternatively posted to:
St Mark’s CE Primary School
Wood Terrace
Stoke on Trent