Year 1
Academic Year 2023/2024
Year 1 Visit Brampton Museum
The children in Year 1 enjoyed a fantastic trip to the Brampton Museum where they enjoyed a themed day helping William to look for his toy soldiers who were lost. They designed and built new toys for him in the “kitchen” before looking at a selection of old toys in the parlour with William’s sister Amelia. The children looked for teddies in the old town and dressed up in old clothes before finding the missing soldiers in the cellar!
Why are our toys more fun to play with than Grandpas toys?
These are pictures from our “WOW” where we played with old and new toys to start off our History topic “Why are our toys more fun to play with than Grandpas toys?”. We all had an enjoyable and fun afternoon looking at how the toys worked.
Year 1 Make Fruit Kebabs
For DT Week, Year 1 made fruit Kebabs. During the week, they tasted different fruits to see which ones they liked; investigated the class favourite fruit, which was watermelon and discussed how to be safe when using knives.
After designing their kebab, they had to cut each piece of fruit and slide it onto the kebab stick. This was sometimes tricky because the fruit was very slippery! Finally, they got to taste and evaluate their products – they were extremely tasty and the children would love to make them again!
Year 1 Reflection Area
We began by thinking about what responsibility means. We decided that being responsible is “doing things that you are supposed to do”.
We then talked about the responsibilities that we may have and drew these on the leaves on the Responsibilitree.