School Council
School Council 2023/24
Parent Coffee Morning
Our school council confidently presented to the parents at the parent coffee morning. They shared their ideas with the parents about how we can clean up the local area together. Parents gave ideas too and we are looking forward to working together to keep Shelton clean and tidy.
Anti-bullying Week 2023
The theme for this year’s anti-bullying week was ‘Make a noise about bullying’. The school council met on the 6th October to look at the theme and initial ideas of what could be done during the week. They had lots of key discussions and then made plans for each school councillor to return to their class and come up with a full list of ideas for activities that could be completed during the week. The school council then met back together on the 23rd October and plans were finalised for the week. The week began by the School Council completing an assembly for the whole school about what bullying is and how ‘banter’ can sometimes lead to bullying. We are really proud of the councillors for leading this assembly.